Create Invoice

How to create an Invoice in Caspen?

How to create an invoice?

Generating invoices is a fast and straightforward process! You have various options for creating an invoice:

  • Using the calendar.

  • Through the Billing tab.

  • Via the client's record.

  • From a contact record.

Using the Billing tab option:

Click the '+ Add Invoice' button and fill in the necessary information to generate your invoice:

  • Client - The individual or company being invoiced for the services provided.

  • Practitioner - The practitioner who delivered the services.

  • Location - The business name where the services were provided.

  • Issue date - The date when the services were provided.

  • Due date - The deadline for invoice payment.

  • Invoice number - An option to manually input an invoice number, overriding the auto-generated one.

  • Invoice to - A third-party contact responsible for paying for the services provided to the client.

Add Line Items/Services to the invoice.

When an invoice is first generated, it will be saved as a Draft invoice, allowing you to add or remove invoice items during this stage.

How to add a Service to an Invoice?

Click on '+ Add item' and choose the service you wish to include from the provided list of predefined services. You also have the option to add a custom item that is not listed in your services selection.

In each invoice item, the following settings can be adjusted:

  • Price: This represents the cost of the service being invoiced.

  • Quantity: This can be specified in terms of hourly units or as a product quantity, depending on whether the service is priced at a fixed rate or billed per hour.

  • Discount: This can be applied as a fixed dollar amount, for example, a $10 discount, or as a percentage, such as a 10% discount.

  • Tax: This determines whether the item is subject to tax.

When generating an invoice for a client, you'll also likely need to collect payment from them. The invoice has two Payment selections:

Pay later - The invoice will be marked as open to await payment.

Pay now - A payment for the total amount will be applied to this invoice. You can also select the method of payment used by the client to match your bank statements.

Last updated