Add New Payment

How to add a new payment record in Caspen?

Adding payments for a Client and linking them to an existing invoice can be done in several ways, with the easiest method being via the Billing tab.

Go to Billing -> Payments Click the + Add Payment button and fill in the necessary information to generate your payment: (

  • Client - The individual or company paying for the received service.

  • Location - The business name where the payment was received.

  • Payment date - The date when the payment was received.

  • Payment method - The method of payment used is Cash, Card..

  • Amount - The payment amount received

  • Description - (Optional) Entering a description can aid in recognizing the payment in the future.

Click the Create button to finalise the payment.

After receiving a payment, it will appear within the client's information, and their balance will be updated to reflect this.

Last updated